Thursday, March 13, 2008

Go Green!

We won the elections! I have spent the past two months running around and getting things together for my friend's campaign for BYUSA President and Vice President. Oh, and the title above - green was our campaign color, which plastered campus profusely.

Let me just say, "Give em' a damn chance!" (Adam and Chance - get it?... Yea.)

All last week was full of me skipping classes and dropping off the face of the planet from my ward and apartment mates, and running around BYU campus NON-stop. I have to say, as stressful as it was and as much sleep that I lost, I really did love every moment. I really could be myself doing this kind of thing for a living - being a campaign manager or, kinda different, but a lobbyist. Just thoughts right now, but I'm learning more and more about politics and the government and finding a niche there... I love it more and more with each experience, story heard or read, or issue I am able to analyze.

Back to the campus campaign, I got kinda over-hyper about some things Saturday and started to flip out over dumb things, but eh. You live and learn to grow past that, and I think that this experience was exceptional in teaching me to handle stress. I learned a lot in the past week about what really needed to get done that week and what we could have done different structurally and executionally - I don't think that's a word. Eh! Point is, I love that we came together for a cause and I was also able to grow personally and intellectually. It makes me happy to help others, serving my friends to make something I believe in happen.

The boys were talking with me about a secretary position next year and I am SUPER excited! The words were, "Doesn't that just sound like a 'Linze' job? I feel so good about that..." Me too! Now, all I have to do is get into grad school here. I am starting to get really nervous about that. My GRE score is substantially low for their program, and I have no paying work experience. However, my resume and recommendation letters are exceptional and I have fairly decent grades right now. Ug... I am so scared to even think about what will happen if I fail to get in! I'll just die! I don't know if I can handle that....

If I do get in, then I have my program here and I can still run for BYUSA President next year if I still desire to do so and have the secretary job next year that I am dying to do. Working with the boys would be amazing - They're really like other brothers to me and I know that I could turn to them for anything. It's amazing how close I have grown to them - and working with them every day would be a pleasure and an honor. I'll keep praying!

Sidenote: I have an unhealthy addiction (not really) to American Idol, and I just have to say, I am SO pleased that David Archuleta is doing so well. It's nice to see someone go for it and succeed regardless of their religion, race, or age. He's already a star in my eyes, and SUCH a good example to those watching... Soooooo, pretty much all of America. I hope that I am that kind of example to others of light and happiness - even if it is on a tad smaller scale.

Oh, and also... I have a new boy in sight - cause I always do. He's fantastic and one of the most outgoing and genuinely kind people I have ever met. I adore being around him and just talking with him. However, I believe that we're gonna be stuck at the friends level. How do I go about changing that reassurance? I want more - really, I do. I just can't seem to get there. Sad. Someday...


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