Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Nanny, Take Two: Meet Eliza!

So, about a month and a half back I was given the opportunity to take an amazing job for a nearby family, being a nanny for their little 3 year-old girl for 30 hours a week (perfect amount and will be great fitting in with school in the Fall!).  This girl is BEYOND adorable, and we have the best time together.  I told my mom the other day that I had better have pretty adorable children because I get SO many compliments on how cute Miss Eliza is... and she's not even mine to claim.  Haha!  She really is the cutest thing, especially when she tries to say her "Ls."  For example, she says "lello" instead of "yellow," and "lesterday" instead of "yesterday."  She also has trouble saying her "sh" sounds, so words like "fish" come out a little funny.  I'm working on it with her, but it's so blasted cute.  Haha!

Here are some things that we have been doing together:
We spend lots of time hanging out, having tea-parties, and playing the "taste-buds" game!
We went to a story-time and exploration-day at Thanksgiving Point, and we spent a good deal of time wandering around the Kid's Garden and seeing all the animal statues!

At Thanksgiving Point's Kid's Garden they had lots of little experiments that kids could take part in, like this geometric shapes water race... Very cool!
Sugarhouse Park!
We went to feed the ducks (Above) and then play on the playground for awhile (Below).

Play-Dough time!
Our superhero names are Jetta (Eliza's) and Zetta (mine), which she picked for us... We like to dress up and save the world... or at least her house. 
I'm a bit blurry here, but we love making funny faces together and Eliza's is CLASSIC here!  We also like baking cookies together!  Hence, the aprons...

On another note, we have created this game (mentioned above) called the "tastebuds" game... We say, "Both our tastebuds like ______," and fill in the blank with something real or funny (i.e. Cherry or Chair - haha!).  We play it ALL the time... It's fabulous!  See the video below:

This is what I've been doing the past month and a half... I'm in love with it all. 

Song of the Day: Elliot Yamin (whom I adore) has a new song out called "Still Gonna Try," which is a great slow-R&B-jam... I love it.  Enjoy!

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