Saturday, December 4, 2010

Eighteen Goes Out to a True Player!

This next individual I have chosen for a thankfulness message is someone I don't know very well personally. In fact, I have only met this person "in-person" once, many years ago. We worked at the MTC at the same time, but never had the same permanent shift time. We met one day when she or I was covering for someone else. Years later, she became friends with one of my best friends, Sarah, and we started interacting via blogs, facebook, and email. For some reason, she was someone I always remembered... She sticks out in your mind - in a good way, too. She has a good heart and a kind demeanor, and one of the most positive attitudes I have ever seen. She inspires me when she writes about her life and a tough time with such hope and optimism. It is how we ALL should be. She really has been a blessing in my life, without being directly in my life... kinda weird, but it's the truth.

Today, I was to give a thankfulness shout-out to, Tiffanie Player!

She just shines, and I am excited to one day spend more time with her in real life, rather than just the virtual contact. She is someone I already know that I can connect with, and look to her example for strength and courage. I wish there was a better way to express this situation, but I don't have it... eh! Something else that I adore about her, and I hope this is not to touchy an area, but she is an older, single woman with her mind set on bettering herself and growing how she can. She has someone VERY special out there for her, and they are going to blow most other men out of the water - I'm sure. How do I know this? She inspires me without an ounce of effort, which is quite amazing. She let's me know that I am amazing and worthwhile with little comments sent at the right moments. I am thankful for our small correspondence, and I truly hope it will grow more into a friendship. Today, I am thankful for YOU, Tiffanie! :)

Song of the Day: I don't really have a specific song that reminds me of her, but I can dedicate one to her! So, here is Lee Ann Womack's song, I Hope You Dance! I think of her saying these words through her actions to all she comes in contact with. Enjoy!

Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance
Hochgeladen von UniversalMusicGroup. - Sieh die neuesten vorgestellten Musikvideos.

1 comment:

TPlayer said...

Wow Linze, THANK YOU! (And no worries....not too touchy a subject with the single thing). Can you believe I'm about to age out of the singles ward?! Ahhh!a anyway, good song pick actually. It reminds me of a lot of the youth I've worked with.....EFY, now at the shelter, and especially my years working at the residential treatment center. In fact, I played it for slide shows and sang at many a program completion/ graduations for those kids. You're amazing!!