Friday, December 24, 2010

I am Thankful for my American Family!!!

I was lucky enough to spend tonight with my family here in Utah, celebrating Christmas Eve with the old (and some new) traditions. I am pretty lucky and thankful, so this next dedication should come as no shock to anyone. There are two people in my life that have meant so much to me from the time of my existence and on. They are two of the most thoughtful and loving individuals that I know. They are always thinking of their children, and the others around them, and they put those interests before their own. They are hilariously wonderful and I laugh more than anything at their dumb jokes and classic wit. They are two of the BEST people that I know and I love being with them.

Today, I want to dedicate this special day to my mom and dad, Grace and Mike Struiksma!

You two must make so many of my friends jealous of me... because I have two of the most fabulous parents in the world. Think what you will, but you two have been nothing but great to me. You have taught me SO much, and you did such a great job giving me everything that I have needed in life. You are always there for me, and I know that I can talk to you about everything. You're AMAZING, and I love you both SO much! Thanks for all you have helped me to become. Today, I am thankful for YOU, Mom and Dad!!!

Song of the Day: I know this song says "Mom, you always were the perfect fan," but I feel that way about BOTH of you! This is for you BOTH! :) Here is Backstreet Boys with The Perfect Fan. Enjoy!

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